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دکتر محمدحسین صراف زاده

Prof. Mohammad-Hossein Sarrafzadeh

  • BS.Chemical Engineering-Sharif University of Technology
  • MS.BioTechnology-Sharif University of Technology 
  • PhD.Envrionmental BioTechnology-Montpellier2 

Prefers Rsgts: Chemical Engineering- BioTech-Water & Wastewater Engineering-Envrionmental Engineering

: Bioghraohy

Prof. Mohammad H. Sarrafzadeh has an initial background in Chemical Engineering and
graduated from Sharif University of Technology (Iran) and Montpellier University (France).
During his master and PhD he focused on the Environmental Biotechnology with the
thesis on the environmental issues and bio-based solutions for them. The fields of his
expertise concern water and wastewater treatment and reuse, separation process,
biological process, biofuels, nanofiltration and membrane bioreactors. At present he is an
expert in the field of industrial water reuse and grey water savings and is known for his
idea and works on "Water Closed Loop". He is serving today as the Chair-holder of


:Research and achievements


Type of articles


International peer reviewed articles (WOS indexed)


Other international peer reviewed articles


Persian peer reviewed articles




  1. F Rezvani, MH Sarrafzadeh, SH Seo, HM Oh, Phosphorus optimization for simultaneous nitrate-contaminated groundwater treatment and algae biomass production using Ettlia sp. Bioresource Technology 244, 785-792
  2. Rezvani, Sarrafzadeh, Ebrahimi, Oh ‘Nitrate removal from drinking water with a focus on biological methods: a review' Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18, 2017
  3. Impact of specific light supply rate on growth, hydrocarbon production and photosynthetic characteristics in continuous cultures of Botryococcus braunii BOT-22
  4. "Osmotic conditions could promote scFv antibody production in the Escherichia coli HB2151"
  5. Ghaffari, Sarrafzadeh, Fakhroueian, Shahriari, Khorami, ‘Functionalization of ZnO nanoparticles by 3-mercaptopropionic acid for aqueous curcumin delivery: Synthesis, characterization, and anticancer assessment' Materials Science and Engineering: C 79, 465-472, 2017
  6. Firouz, Sarrafzadeh, Zarghami ‘Modelling a Multiple Reference Frame Approach in an Oxidation Ditch of Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment' Frontiers International Conference on Wastewater Treatment and Modelling, 2017
  7. Hosseini, Tavakoli, Sarrafzadeh ‘Experimental optimization of SC-CO 2 extraction of carotenoids from Dunaliella salina' The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 121, 89-95, 2017
  8. Sadeghi, Mehrnia, Nabizadeh, Bahadori, Sarrafzadeh ‘MBR technology: A practical approach for petrochemical wastewater treatment' Petroleum Science and Technology 35 (3), 222-228, 2017
  9. Mashayekhi, Sarrafzadeh, Tavakoli, Soltani, Faramarzi ‘Potential for biodiesel production and carbon capturing from Synechococcus Elongatus: An isolation and evaluation study' Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotech 9, 230-235, 2017
  10. Process Biochemistry
  11. Darvishi, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia. ‘Biodegradation of Phenol by Using Conventional Activated Sludge Process' Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, 8(5):792-803
  12. Montazeri, Sarrafzadeh. ‘Microbial Community from MTBE-Contaminated Soil for Aerobic Biodegradation of MTBE' Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 2016, 4, 93-99
  13. Rezaei, Sarrafzadeh. ‘A review of greywater characteristics and treatment methods', 2016, in press
  14. Babaee, Mehrnia, Shayegan, Sarrafzadeh. ‘Comparison of different trophic cultivations in microalgal membrane bioreactor containing N-riched wastewater for simultaneous nutrient removal and biomass production' Process Biochemistry, 2016, 51 (10), 1568-1575
  15. Sarrafzadeh, La, Seo, Asgharnejad, Oh. ‘Evaluation of different techniques for microalgal biomass quantification' J Biotechnology, 2015, 53-58.
  16. Sarrafzadeh ; Pourhemati. ‘A review on EU municipal and industrial wastewater management action' Iran Water Resources Research. 2015. No 11. 99-106
  17. MH Sarrafzadeh; M rezaei. ‘Quality of Rainwater Collected from the Roof and Its Treatment Methods' Iranian Journal of Rainwater Catchment System. Vol 4. No3. 41-52 . 2014
  18. Abi, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia ‘Investigation of Sporulation Phase in a Biosurfactant Producing Culture for Application in Microbial-Enhanced Oil Recovery' Chem. Ing. Tech. 2014, 86, No. 9, 1481–1485
  19. Rezaee; Sarrafzadeh; Mehrnia; Mohammadi; Pajoum-Shariati ‘Determination of ozone adsorption in activated sludge system and its effect on sludge properties' DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 2014, 1-7
  20. Sarrafzadeh, Schorr-Galindo, La, Oh ‘Aeration Effects on Metabolic Events during Sporulation of Bacillus thuringiensis' Journal of Microbiology, 2014, 52(7), 597-603
  21. Homayoonfal; Mehrnia; Shariati-Niasar; Akbari; Sarrafzadeh; Fauzi, Fabrication of magnetic nanocomposite membrane for separation of organic contaminant from water; DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 2014, 1-7
  22. MH Sarafzadeh, Hyun-Joon La , Hee-Mock Oh , Microalgae biomass quantification by digital image processing and RGB color analysis, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY, 2014, 26, 3
  23. M Rezaei, MR Mehrnia, MH Sarafzadeh, Effect of Clinoptilolite Addition on Nutrient Removal in a Membrane Bioreactor, DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 2014, 1-8
  24. F Pajoum-Shariati, MH Sarrafzadeh, MR Mehrnia, G Sarzana, A Grasmick, M Heran ‘Dielectric monitoring and respirometric activity of a high cell density activated sludge' Environmental Technology 35 (4), 425-431, 2014
  25. M Zargar, MH Sarrafzadeh, B Taheri, A Keshavarz "Assessment of in situ bioremediation of oil contaminated soil and groundwater in a petroleum refinery: A laboratory soil column study" Petroleum Science and Technology, 32, 1553-1561, 2014
  26. N Nouri, MR Mehrnia, MH Sarrafzadeh, R Nabizadeh ‘Performance of membrane bioreactor in presence of flocculants' Desalination and Water Treatment, 1-6, 2013
  27. Pajoum-Shariati, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh, S Rezaee, A Grasmick, M Heran ‘Fouling in a novel airlift oxidation ditch membrane bioreactor AOXMBR at different high organic loading rate' Separation and Purification Technology, 105, 69-78, 2013
  28. MR Mehrnia, H Azami, MH Sarrafzadeh ‘Fouling mitigation in membrane bioreactors using multivalent cations' Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 109, 90– 96, 2013
  29. F Pajoum-Shariati, M Heran, MH Sarrafzadeh, MR Mehrnia, G Sarzana, C Ghommidh, A Grasmick ‘Biomass characterization by dielectric monitoring of viability and oxygen uptake rate measurements in a novel membrane bioreactor' Bioresource Technology 140, 357–362, 2013
  30. F Pajoum-Shariati, MH Sarrafzadeh, MR Mehrnia, G Sarzana, C Ghommidh, A Grasmick, M Heran ‘Dielectric monitoring and respirometric activity of a high cell density activated sludge'Environmental Technology, 2013
  31. Sarkhanpour, Tavakoli, Sarrafzadeh, Kariminia "The comparision of Coprinus cinereus peroxidase enzyme and TiO2 catalyst for phenol removal"  J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, 48: 300-307, 2013
  32. Shahtalebi, Sarrafzadeh, Mckay "Intraparticle diffusion model for adsorption of copper (II) ions onto pyrolytic tyre char''  Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (28-30), 5664-5673, 2013
  33. M Zargar, MH Sarrafzadeh, B Taheri , O Tavakoli "Surveying of soil and groundwater pollution in a petroleum refinery and potential of bioremediation for oil decontamination", Petroleum Science and Technology, 31 (24), 2585-2595, 2013
  34. M Kazemzadeh-Afshar, MH Sarrafzadeh, MR Mehrnia ‘Performance of An Airlift Membrane Bioreactor Under Different Aeration Rates' Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology, 2012
  35. Sarrafzadeh "Nutritional requirements of Bacillus thuringiensis during different phases of growth, sporulation and germination evaluated by Plackett-Burman method", IJCChE  31 (4), 131-136, 2012
  36. Azami H., Sarrafzadeh M H, Mehrnia M R. "Soluble microbial products (SMPs) production in activated sludge systems: a review", Journal of Environmental Health, Science and Engineering, 9 (30), 2012
  37. AA Poostchi, MR Mehrnia, F Rezvani, MH Sarrafzadeh, Low-cost monofilament mesh filter used in membrane bioreactor process: Filtration characteristics and resistance analysis, Desalination, 286, 1, 429-435, 2012
  38. Sadeghi, Mehrnia, Nabizadeh, Sarrafzadeh ‘'Treatment of synthetic olefin plant wastewater at various salt concentrations in a membrane bioreactor'' Clean- Soil Air Water, 40 (4), 416-421, 2012.
  39. Mehdizadeh, Mehrnia, Abdi,  Sarrafzadeh, "Biological treatment of toluene contaminated wastewater by Alcaligenese faecalis in an extractive membrane bioreactor; experiments and modelling", Water Science and Tech., 64(5), 1239-1246, 2011
  40. Mafirad; Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh, "Effect of membrane characteristics on the performance of membrane bioreactors for oily wastewater treatment", Water Science and Technology, 64(5), 1154-1160, 2011
  41. Mafirad; Mehrnia; Azami; Sarrafzadeh "Effects of biofilm formation on membrane performance in submerged membrane bioreactors", Biofouling, 27 (5), 477-485, 2011
  42. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H., Heran, M., Wisniewski, C., Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor: Effect of bacterial floc size on fouling, chemical engineering transactions, 867-872, 2011
  43. A Khalili-Garakani, MR Mehrnia, N Mostoufi, MH Sarrafzadeh, Analyze and control fouling in an airlift membrane bioreactor: CFD simulation and experimental studies,  Process Biochemistry, Volume 46, Issue 5, 1138-1145, 2011
  44. Khalili, Mostoufi, Sadeghi, Hosseinzadeh, Fatourehchi, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia, "COMPARISON BETWEEN DIFFERENT MODELS FOR RHEOLOGICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE", Iran. J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng.,Vol. 8, No. 3, 2011
  45. Azami, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia ‘'Fouling in membrane bioreactors with various concentrations of dead cells" Desalination,  278, 373-380, 2011
  46. Manafi, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh "Phenol Removal from Synthetic Wastewater by Alcaligenes Faecalis: Online Monitoring", International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2(2),103-107, 2011
  47. Azami, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia ‘'Influence of sludge rheological properties on the membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor'', Desalination and Water Technology, 34, 117-122, 2011
  48. Shahtalebi, Sarrafzadeh, Montazer-Rahmati "APPLICATION OF NANOFILTRATION MEMBRANE IN THE SEPARATION OF AMOXICILLIN FROM PHARMACEUTICAL WASTEWATER'', Iran. J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng., 2011, Vol. 8, No. 2
  49. Azami H., Mehrnia M.R., Sarrafzadeh M.H., Mafirad S., Kazemzadeh M., Madaeni S.S. "Effect of concentration of cations on activated sludge properties and membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors for wastewater treatment", J. Chem. Petrol. Eng. 44 1-8, 2010
  50. Rassouli, Sarrafzadeh, Tavakoli "An investigation on the nitrogen content of a petroleum refinery" Iran. J. Environ. Health. Sci. Eng., 2010, Vol. 7, No. 5, 391-395
  51. Amiri, Mehrnia, Azamai, Shavandi, Sarrafzadeh "The effect of heavy metals on membrane ..."
  52. Poustchi, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh "Removal of dissolved organic carbon by multi-walled" Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 4, 59-66, 2010
  53. Poustchi, Mehrnia, Fatourehchi, Sarrafzadeh "Dynamic membrane formation on synthetic fabric cloths" Filter media, 2, 9-12, 2010
  54. Amani, Sarrafzadeh, Haghighi, Mehrnia "Comparative study of biosurfactant producing bacteria in MEOR applications", Petroleum Science and Engineering, 75, 209-214, 2010
  55. Amani, Haghighi, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia, Shahmirzaee "Optimization of the production of biosurfactant from Iranian indigenous bacteria for reduction of surface tension and enhanced oil recovery", Petroleum Science and Technology, 2010
  56. Amani, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh, Haghighi "Scale up and application of biosurfactant from Bacillus subtilis in enhanced oil recovery" , Applied Biochemis Biotechn, 2010
  57. F Pajoum Shariati, MR Mehrnia, B Madadkhah, M Heran,Ch Wisniewski, Sarrafzadeh MH "Membrane bioreactor for treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing acetaminophen" Desalination, 250, 98-100, 2009
  58. Khalili, Mostofi, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh "Flow Characteristics in an Airlift Membrane Bioreactor", Chemi Prod Proc Model, 2010
  59. Sarrafzadeh MH, Jafari AR Use of cheap media to enhance glucose oxidase production during batch cultivation of Aspergillus niger, Pak. J. of Biotech.,2009
  60. Nasr,  Soudi, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh  Characterization of novel biosurfactant producing strains of Bacillus spp. isolated from petroleum contaminated soil, Iran J Microb, 2009
  61. Rasouli, Sarrafzadeh "Optimization of Nitrification-Dentrification Process for Nitrogen Removal from Wastewater" Chemistry and Chem Eng J, 2009
  62. Rasouli-Kenari H, Sarrafzadeh MH, Mehrnia MR. "Factors affecting the biological nitrogen removal from wastewater in simultaneous nitrification denitrification process" J Biotechnology, 136S, S670, 2008
  63. Ghaniyari S, Sarrafzadeh MH, Bagheri M. Treatment of high strength wastewater containing nitrogenous compounds in an anaerobic multistage biofilter" J Biotechnology, 136S, S464, 2008
  64. Shafeeyan MS, Sarrafzadeh MH. "Enzymatic treatment of alphacellulose fibers by using a commercial cellulose" J Biotechnology, 136S, S670, 2008
  65. Sarrafzadeh MH, Najafloo A, Gerami A. "Statistical analysis of oxygen effect on the culture of Bacillus thuringiensis" J Biotechnology, 136S, S477, 2008
  66. Rasouli Kenari H, Sarrafzadeh MH, Salehi Z, Mehrnia M. "Effective factors in selection of an appropriate biological method for nitrogen removal from wastewater", IAChE Journal, 34, 56-65, 2008
  67. Hamedi J, Moghimi H, Sarrafzadeh MH, Kafashi B. "Consistency index, a suitable parameter for biomass measuring of Streptomyces clavuligerus in the clavulanic acid fermentation broth", Chemistry and Chem Eng J, 2008
  68. Eshratabadi P, Fatemi H, Sarrafzadeh MH, "Enhanced degumming of soyabean oil and its influences on degummed oil and lecithin", Iranian J. of Chem. Eng., in press, 2008
  69. Sarrafzadeh MH, Shamaei S, Loni E, Mirsaeed N "An Investigation on the Edible Oil Loss during Caustic Refining and the Necessity of Its Control", J. of Food industry and science, Vol (4), N(1), 35-43, 2007
  70. Eshratabadi P, Fatemi H, Sarrafzadeh MH, Salarvand Z "An Investigation of Extraction and Specification of Lecithin from Different Soybean Varieties", J. of Food Industry and Science, Vol (4), N(1), 65-71, 2007
  71. Sarrafzadeh MH, Bigey F, Capariccio B., Mehrnia M., Guiraud JP, Navarro JM; "Simple indicators of plasmid loss during fermentation of Bacillus thuringiensis", Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 40, 1052-1058, 2007
  72. Sarrafzadeh MH, "The dielectric properties of biological cells and its application in biotechnology", IAChE Journal, 28, 33-40, 2007 
  73. Sarrafzadeh MH, Galindo S., Guiraud JP, Navarro JM " Metabolic events during sporulation of Bacillus thuringiensis H14 under different oxygenation rates", submitted, 2007.
  74. Jafari AR, Sarrafzadeh MH, Alemzadeh I., Vossoughi M, " Effect of Stirrer Speed and Aeration Rate on the Production of Glucose Oxidase by Aspergillus niger", J. Biol. Sci., 7(2), 270-275, 2007
  75. Sarrafzadeh MH, Bigey F, Navarro JM "Changes in physiological properties as a criterion for detection of loss of plasmid in Bacillus thuringiensis" Iranian J. of Biotechnology, in press, 2007.
  76. Sarrafzadeh MH, Navarro JM; "The effect of oxygen on the sporulation, -endotoxins synthesis and toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis H14", World J of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 22, 305-310, 2006.
  77. Sarrafzadeh MH, Belloy L, Esteban G, Navarro JM, Ghommidh C; "Dielectric monitoring of the growth and sporulation of Bacillus thuringiensis", Biotechnology Letters, 27(7), 511-517, 2005
  78. Sarrafzadeh MH, Guiraud JP, Lagneau C, Gaven B, Carron A, Navarro JM; "Growth, sporulation, δ-endotoxins synthesis and toxicity during culture of Bacillus thuringiensis H14", Current Microbiology, 51, 75-81, 2005.
  79. Sarrafzadeh MH; "Biotechnology: the man for all seasons", Farayand, N.3, 169-177, 1996


  1. Sarafzadeh ,Babaie, Mehrnia, Fakhimi. "The  Effect  of  Dark  and  Light  Cycle  on  Nutrient  Removal  by  Using Membrane Bioreactor Containing Microalgae." IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals 2015, Thessaloniki, May 10-12, 2015.
  2. Saraf zadeh, Mohammad hosein , and Farshid Pajom Shariati. "Hydrodynamics characterization of an airlift oxidation ditch membrane bioreactor (AOXMBR)." Iran Membrane, Tehran, May 26-27, 2015 .
  3. M.H Sarrafzadeh,; A. Sepehri. "The impact of fouling in membrane bioreactors to create soluble microbial products." National Conference membranes and membrane processes, Tehran, June 5-6, 2015.
  4. M.H.Sarrafzadeh H.Asgharnejad. "Sugar cane wastewater treatment and reuse." National congress on water reuse, Tehran, January 26-28, 2015 .
  5. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, A.Babaie, J.Shayegan. "Nitrogen removal by using membrane bioreactor containing mixotrophic microalgae." 9th National Chemical Engineering Congress, Shiraz, June 22-24, 2015 .
  6. M.H Sarrafzadeh, , A. Babaei,J Shayegan. "The impact of heterotrophic microalgae cultivation on nitrogen removal from wastewater using membrane bioreactor in continuous and batch condition." International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology, Environment, Tehran, May 15-16, 2015
  7. M.H Sarrafzadeh. B.Montazeri. "The study of MTBE biodegradation  in aerobic conditions." National Conference of Chemical Engineering, Tehran, Feb 28-30, 2015
  8. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, H.R.Ahadian. "Review of the hybrid desalination methods." National Conference of Chemical Engineering, Tehran, February 28-30, 2015
  9. M.H, Sarrafzadeh, M.R Mehrnia, . A.Babaei.; J.Shayegan. " The Effect of Dark and Light Cycle on Nutrient Removal by Using Membrane Bioreactor Containing Microalgae." Conference on water recycling, Tehran, February 6-8, 2014
  10. M.H.Sarrafzadeh; N.Shirvani "The possibility of using gray water from washing machines to irrigate the plants." Conference on water recycling, Tehran, February 6-8, 2015
  11. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, H.Hajipour. "Water consumption in the dairy industry and the possibility of recycling the waste." Conference on water recycling, Tehran, February 6-8, 2015
  12. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, , O.Tavakol; N.Yavari. "Effective parameters photocatalytic purification of wastewater and recycled waste increased functionality." Conference on water recycling, Tehran, February 6-8, 2015
  13. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, S.H.Mousavi. "Effective methods to increase water utilization and environmental protection in the rice paddies." Conference on water recycling, Tehran, February 6-8, 2014
  14. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, M.Izadpanah. " evaluation of water reuse of water pools ‘' Tehran, February 6-8, 2014.
  15. M.H.Sarrafzadeh, S.Momeni. " Sodium Caseinat for Multiphase Emultion Stability." Celko, Tehran, November 17-18, 2014
  16. M.H.Sarafzadeh, B.Fakhari. "Adsorption process to Reuse wastewater of the textile industry." 7th Celco,, December 8-9, 2014 .
  17. M.H.Sarafzadeh ‘The assessment of rainwater collected from the roof considering chemical and microbial properties and the treatment methods'7th Conference and Exhibition of Environmental Engineering,2014.
  18. M.H.Sarafzadeh, H.Asgharnejad. "A comparison between the processes of sugar production from beet and sugar cane and their wastewater characteristics." Celco 7, Tehran, December 8-9, 2014 .
  19. M.H.Sarafzadeh. A.Babaei. M.R.Mehrnia. J.Shayegan. ‘investigation of the effect of biofilm on membrane performance in membrane bioreactor containing microalgae/sludge'. national congress of water reuse. 2013
  20. M.R.Mohammad. Navid Mostoufi,,M.Hoseinzade,M.H.Sarafzadeh. "CFD simulation of a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor using a porous media approach." The 5th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition,, September 8-10, 2013 .
  21. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, Sara Rezaee, Alain Grasmick, M.H., Heran, Effect of substrate on viability and respirometric activity of activated sludge in a short time of experiment, 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 2014
  22. Rezaei M, Mehrnia MR, Sarrafzadeh MH, Short and Long Term Filtration in a Hybrid Zeolite MBR, 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 2014
  23. Rezaee S, Sarrafzadeh MH, Mehrnia MR, Investigation The Effect Of Ozone On Sludge Properties In Different Organic Loading Rates, 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 2014
  24. Ramezani M, Sarrafzadeh MH, Production of alkaline protease by Bacillus thuringiensis H14, 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 2014
  25. Sarrafzadeh, La, Oh, Potential of Microalgae Synechococcus elongatus for Biodiesel Production, Bioenergy congress, Jeju, Korea, 2013
  26. Sarrafzadeh, La, Oh, The relation between oil content of microalgae and their settling rate, Algae, Opening the new era, Daejeon, Korea, 2013
  27. Sarrafzadeh, La, Oh, Selection of Microalgae for Biodiesel Production by Applying Analytic Hierarchy Process, Bioenergy congress, Jeju, Korea, 2013
  28. CFD simulation of a pilot-scale membrane bioreactor using a porous media approach, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  29. Fabrication of magnetic nanocomposite membrane for sepration of organic contaminant from water 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  30. Simultaneous triple environmental application of microalgae: CO2 Biofixation, waste water treatment and biofuel production 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  31. UV photo-polymerization of nanofiltrartion membranes for sepration of ceftazidime and amoxicillin from the pharmaceutical Wastewater, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  32. Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using sub-critical and supercritical water technology, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  33. Evaluation of the potential of current wastewater treatment processes for removal of steroid estrogens, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  34. Filtration characteristics of cost-effective mesh filters wit different pore size in submerged membrane bioreactor, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  35. Activated sludge models and their application for determining the appropriate biomass characteristics, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  36. Determination the amount of ozone adsorption in the activated sludge system and investigation the effect of ozone on sludge properties, 5th  IWA-ASPIRE, Daejeon, Korea, 2013.
  37. An innovative technique for studying settling properties of microalgae, KOSEB, Gwangju, Korea,2013
  38. Colorized signals of microalgae and potential of RGB model for their analysis, Bien2013, Seoul, Korea
  39. Pervasive computing application in a biotechnology laboratory, Bien2013, Seoul, Korea
  40. Environmental assessment of hydrocarbon pipelines events, 14th National Corrosion Congress, Tehran, Iran, 2013
  41. Rahmani, Sarrafzadeh, Separation of Ceftazidime from the Wastewater of Pharmaceutical Companies by Nanofiltration, World Water Congress, IWA 2012, Busan, Korea
  42. Hanifzadeh, Sarrafzadeh, Tavakoli, CO2 Mitigation and Biomass Production using Microalgae Cultivation Process, The Pacific Energy and Sustainability Congress, Hiroshima, Japan, 2012
  43. Khorashadi, Tavakoli, Sarrafzadeh, Energy Production from Wastewater Treatment Unit in Petrochemical Complex, The Pacific Energy and Sustainability Congress, Hiroshima, Japan, 2012
  44. Attaei, Sarrafzadeh, Tamadon, Endocrine disrupting compounds removal needs more attention in wastewater treatment processes, Flow and Water Pollution, Tehran, Iran, 2012
  45. Tavajoh, Sarrafzadeh, Study of oil spill in Caspian sea based on the Mexican gulf event. 4th HSE, Tehran, 2012
  46. Manafi, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh, Phenolic Wastewater Treatment by pure Culture of Alcaligenes faecalise: Batch and MBR systems, Achen, Germany, 6th IWA Specialist conf. 2012
  47. Tavakoli, O., Khorashadi, A., Mohamdkhani, S., Sarrafzadeh, M.H., Thermodynamics, Economical and environmental concepts of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant, (ICREDG 2012), Tehran-Iran.
  48. Sarrafzadeh, M.H., Hanifzadeh, M.M., Tavakoli, O., Carbon dioxide biofixation and biomass production from flue gas of power plant using microalgae, 2nd Iranian conference on renewable energy and distributed generation (ICREDG 2012), Tehran-Iran.
  49. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, Sara Rezaee, Alain Grasmick, M.H., Heran, M., Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor: Effect of  SRT on respirometric activity and membrane permeability, Desalination for the Environment, Barcelona, Spain, 23–26 April, 2012
  50. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, Sara Rezaee, Alain Grasmick, M.H., Heran, M., Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor: Effect of  organic loading rate on respirometric activity, 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011
  51. Manafi, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh, Shavandi, Effective factors in treatment of phenolic wastewater by Alcaligenes, 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011
  52. Nouri, Mehrnia, Sarrafzadeh, Impacts of Flocculant Addition on the Performance of Membrane Bioreactors, 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition, Kish, Iran, 21-24 November, 2011
  53. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H.,  Heran, M., Wisniewski, C., Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor: Effect of bacterial floc size on fouling, ICheaP-10 The tenth International Conference on  Chemical & Process Engineering, 8-11 May 2011 - Florence, Italy
  54. Zargar, Sarrafzadeh, Tavakoli, Taheri, Aeration and Temperature Effects on Bioremediation Efficiency of Oil Contaminated Soil in the Slurry Phase, Environmental Technology Conf, Tehran, 2011
  55. Rahmani, Sarrafzadeh, Ceftazidime in pharmaceutical wastewater : environmental problem or wasting of  product?, Environmental Technology Conf, Tehran, 2011
  56. M. Zargar , MH Sarrafzadeh, B. Taheri, Omid Tavakoli "An inquiry on the environmental aspects of oil contamination of soil and groundwater by industry: surveying and cleaning methods" ATINER 2011, Environment Conference, Greece, 2011
  57. F. Pajoum Shariati, M. Mehrnia, MH Sarrafzadeh, Sara Rezaee, Parya Mohtasham, Christelle Wisniewski, Marc Heran "Performance of a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor: Effect of bacterial floc size on fouling", MBR, Florence, Italy, 2011
  58. Moosavi A. R., Mehrnia M. R, Rahimzadeh M., Pajoum Shariati, F., Nabizadeh R., Fayoorehchi H., Azami H., Sarrafzadeh M. H., Treatment of refinery waste water using a Submerged membrane bio reactor, The IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse (IWA-MTWR-2010), October 18-22, 2010, Istanbul-Turkey.
  59. Manafi, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia "Phenol Removal from Synthetic Wastewater" ICEE, Malaysia, 2010 (3 papers)
  60. Abi, Sarrafzadeh, Mehrnia, Ghommidh, "Application of Dielectric Permittivity", ICCE, Egypt, 2010
  61. International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (7 full-papers), Iran, 2009
  62. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (5 Extended abstracts), Canada, 2009
  63. Euromembrane2009 (5 Abstracts), France, 2009
  64. Shahtalebi, Sarrafzadeh, "Membrane Process for Separation of Cephalexin" 5th IWA Specialised Membrane Technology Conference for Water and Wastewater Treatment IWA-MTC2009, China
  65. Moosavi, A., Mehrnia, M.R., Rahimzadeh, M., Pajoum Shariati, F., Fatoorechi, H., Nourbakhsh, A., Sarrafzadeh, M.H., Khoddam, M., Hydrocarbon removal from refinery wastewater in SMBRs, WHSC, November 23 – 25, 2009, Kanpour-India.
  66. Kazemzadeh, M., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H., Pajoum Shariati, F., Mafirad, S., Overall Oxygen Transfer Coefficient in an airlift membrane bioreactor, The 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8), August 23 to 27, 2009, Montréal-Canada.
  67. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H.,  Heran, M., Wisniewski, C., effect of superficial gas velocity on gas holdup and circulation time in a novel hybrid membrane bioreactor, Euromembrane, Septamber 6-9, 2009, Montpellier-France.
  68. Kazemzadeh, M., Sarrafzadeh, M.H.,  Mehrnia, M.R., Naseri, S., Pajoum Shariati, F., gas hold up and liquid circulation in an airlift mebran bioreactor, Euromembrane , September 6 to 9, 2009, Montpellier-France.
  69. Pajoum Shariati, F., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H.,  Heran, M., Wisniewski, C., consideration of variations of gas holdup in oxidation ditch channel, First International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, University of Tehran, November 10 - 12, 2009, Tehran-Iran.
  70. Moosavi, A., Mehrnia, M.R., Rahimzadeh, M., Pajoum Shariati, F., Fatoorechi, H., Nourbakhsh, A., Sarrafzadeh, M.H.,  effect of superficial gas velocity on gas holdup in a novel submerged membrane bioreactor, First International Conference on Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, University of Tehran, November 10 - 12, 2009, Tehran-Iran.
  71. Pajoum Shariati, F., Sarrafzadeh, M.H.,  Mehrnia, M.R., Heran, M., Madadkhah Salmasi1, B., Wisniewski, C., Membrane bioreactor for treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater containing acetaminophen, Conference on Membranes in Drinking Water Production and Wastewater Treatment, October 20 - 22, 2008, Toulouse-France.
  72. Madadkhah Salmassi, B., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H. , Askarian, M., Haririan, I., Pajoum Shariati, F., Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using an airlift membrane bioreactor containing acetaminophen, The 5th Iranian International Chemical Engineering Congress,1-3 Jan 2008, Kish Island -Iran.
  73. Yazdani, A., Mehrnia, M.R., Sarrafzadeh, M.H. , Pajoum Shariati, F.,  Gas holdup in a bubble column reactor with different liquid phase properties, The 5th Iranian International Chemical Engineering Congress,1-3, Jan 2008, Kish Island-Iran.
  74. Madadkhah Salmassi, B., Sarrafzadeh, M.H., Mehrnia, M.R., Haririan, I.,  Pajoum Shariati, F., Investigation of effective parameters on biodegradability of Acetaminophen, The 2nd Congress of Environmental Engineering, 17-20 May., 2008, Tehran-Iran.
  75. Hashemi H, Sarrafzadeh MH, Akbari Z, Ghomashchi T. "Separation of hazardous organic chemicals from pharmaceutical wastewater by combined MF-GAC-RO" Toulouse, France, 2008
  76. Mafirad S, Mehrnia MR, Sarrafzadeh MH. "Removal of oily hydrocarbons from industrial wastewater by a submerged membrane bioreactor" Tehran, 2008
  77. Kazemzadeh M, Sarrafzadeh MH, Mehrnia MR, Azami H, Pajoum Shariati F. ‘'Biological Treatment of Synthetic Oily Wastewater in Submerged Membrane Bioreactor (sMBR)'' Tehran, 2008
  78. Azami H, Mehrnia MR, Sarrafzadeh MH. ‘'Bioflocculation of activated sludge at different cations concentration'' Tehran, 2008
  79. Sarrafzadeh MH, Soleymani O. ‘' A Comparison between Sequencing Batch Reactors and Conventional Activated Sludge Processes in Economical Point of View'' Tehran, 2008
  80. Azami H, Mehrnia MR, Sarrafzadeh MH, Kazemzadeh M, Mafirad S, Mostoufi N. "Membrane biofouling by soluble microbial products in a membrane bioreactor", Prague, Czech Republic CHISA-2008
  81. Sarrafzadeh MH, Amoabediny G, Mehrnia M, "Batch and fed-batch cultures of Bacillus thuringiensis H14 for producing a biological insecticide", ISBBE 2007, China
  82. Taromi A,  Sarrafzadeh MH, "viability of activated sludge" ISBBE 2007, China
  83. Rasouli Kenari H, Sarrafzadeh MH, Mehrnia M, Salehi Z, "A comparison between different biological methods of nitrogen removal from wastewater ", IACHE, 2008
  84. Salmassi B, Mehrnia M, Sarrafzadeh MH, Askarian M, Haririan I,  Pajoom F, Mirzaee S, "Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using an airlift membrane bioreactor containing acetaminophen" IACHE, 2008
  85. Sarrafzadeh MH " Optimization of bioinsecticide production process based on the Bacillus thuringiensis"  Sanat va Madan conference, Sharif University, 2007
  86. Sarrafzadeh MH " Biomass measurement techniques: a review with emphasis on the dielectric methods IACHE, 2006
  87. Hamedi J., Moghimi H., Sarrafzadeh MH, Kafashi B " Influence of rheology on the morphology and cell growth in the clavulanic acid production by Streptomyces clavuligerus, IACHE, 2006
  88. Mehdizadeh SN, Norouzizadeh Sh, Sarrafzadeh MH, and R. Sotudeh-Gharebagh "Modelling of the sporulation phase of a spore-forming bacterium using a population balance model", Innovations in Food and Bioprocess Technologies"12-14 December 2006, AIT, Thailand, 2006
  89. Jafari AR, Sarrafzadeh MH, Alemzadeh I, Vosoughi M, "Effect of Stirrer Speed and Aeration Rate on the Production of Glucose Oxidase by Aspergillus niger" CIGR Section VI International Symposium on FUTURE OF FOOD ENGINEERING, Warsaw, Poland, 26-28 April 2006
  91. Sarrafzadeh MH, Labbafi M, S. Shamaei, E. Loni, N. Mirsaeedghazi Loss in the Caustic Refining of Edible Oils and the Necessity of Its Control IUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Sciences Technology France, 2006
  92. Sarrafzadeh MH, Belloy L, Esteban G, Navarro JM, Ghommidh C; "On-Line Detection of Sporulation during Cultures of Bacillus thuringiensis by Permittivity Measurement ", 105th ASM general meeting, Atlanta, 2005 (invited speaker)
  93. Sarrafzadeh MH, Navarro JM, "Permittivity sensor for real-time monitoring of the cellular biomass in spore-forming bacteria", 9th ICHEC, Tehran, Iran, 2004
  94. Sarrafzadeh MH, Ghommidh C, Navarro JM; "Study of oxygen effects on sporulation of Bacillus thuringiensis by dielectric measurements", Prague, Czech Republic, CHISA-2004.
  95. Sarrafzadeh MH, Bigey F, Guiraud JP, Moulin G, Navarro JM; "Loss of plasmids and its influences on physiological properties of B. thuringiensis" , ASM conference, Banff, Canada, 2004

175.Sarrafzadeh MH, Navarro JM; "Real-time monitoring of the cellular biomass by capacitance measurement: a case study", 12th IRCE meeting, Manchester, UK, 2004

  1. Sarrafzadeh MH, Guiraud JP, Ghommidh C,  Navarro JM; "Sporulation and δ-endotoxin synthesis during fed-batch culture of Bacillus thuringiensis H14", 154th SGM meeting, University of Bath, UK, 2004 (awarded: 250£)
  2. Eshratabadi P, Hassani SG, Naeimian M, Sarrafzadeh MH; "Enhanced degumming of soyabean oil and its influences on degummed oil and lecithin", International Conference Engineering and Food-ICEF9, Montpellier, France, 2004
  3. Sarrafzadeh MH, Kazemi A, Roosta R; "Effect of culture formulation on  glucoamylase production by A. niger" ICHE meeting, Tehran, Iran, vol. 1, 257–262, 1997







UNESCO chair:  Water Reuse


Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS)

Visiting professor in Korea Research Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology

Research on algal bloom and its effect on water quality, the potential of microalgae for biofuel production.



Associate Professor, Associate Chair for Research Affairs and Graduate Studies, Member of Water Commission, Scientific Advisor of Water Reuse Mega-Project,

Editorial board member: Equip-Sys and Water reuse journals

Courses: Environmental Eng.(undergraduate), Advanced wastewater treatment(graduate), Biochemical Eng. (graduate), Enzyme technology (graduate),

Laboratory: Biotechnology



Consultant for all Environmental Projects and Supervision of Underground Water De-pollution



As the head of research unit, I refunded its organisation chart and reformed the research laboratory. The main fruit of this unit during my responsibility was the process troubleshooting of lecithin line and remarkable improvement of its quality.



Biochemical and Environment Centre of Sharif University

Enzymes for starch hydrolysis




"Single Cell Protein (SCP) from basic design to pilot plant" was my main project work in this center.


(part time)


Assistant engineer in reviewing the process design documents of recombinant Hepatitis B vaccine project.


(part time)


Assistant process engineer in cereals and derivatives.

Thesis supervision

  • MTBE pollution in Groundwater (Montazeri), 2012
  • Oil Spill in Sea Water (Tavajoh), 2012
  • Deep Bioremediation for Oil Contaminated Soils and Groundwater (Zargar) 2011
  • Nanofilteration for Cephalexin Separation from Wastewater (Shahtalebi) 2010
  • Treatment of Petrochemical Wastewater (Askarian) 2010
  • Biosurfactant production by B. subtilis (Abi) 2010
  • Phenol removal from industrial wastewaters by MBR (Norouzimanesh), 2009
  • Aromatic pollution removal from wastewater by MBR (Mehdizadeh), 2009
  • Characterization of a hybrid membrane bioreactor (HMBR) for synthetic wastewater treatment (Yekrang), 2009
  • Study of different types of membrane and comparison of their performance in aquatic media in order to treat oily wastewater (Mafirad), 2009
  • Study of aeration effects on the performance of membrane bioreactors (Kazemzadeh) 2009
  • Study of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) performance in nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater (Soleymani) 2009
  • An Investigation on the type of petrochemical wastewater pollutants on cell activity in membrane bioreactor (Darvishi) 2009
  • An investigation on the amoxicillin recovery from pharmaceutical wastewater by membrane system (Hashemi), 2009
  • Engineered screening of oil-eating microorganisms for bioremediation of PAH by small scale biotechnology technique (Kafi), 2008
  • statistical analysis and modeling of sporulation phase during fermentation of Bacillus thuringiensis to study the effect of oxygen on  its bioinsecticide activity (Najaflou) 2008
  • Screening of culture and operating conditions of biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis for Microbial Enhamced Oil Recovery (Keshtkar), 2008
  • Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using  MBR (Ms Salmassi), 2007
  • Mathematical modeling and dynamic optimization of membrane bioreactors (Mr. Moradi)             
  • Study of the new biological nitrogen removal methods in wastewater treatment (Ms. Rassouli), 2007
  • The effect of toxic wastewater pollutants in the viability of activated sludge (Ms. Taromi), 2007
  • Investigation of factors affecting specific gas-liquid interfacial area in aerated reactors (Mr. Yazdani), 2007
  • Effect of hydrocolloids and ionic strength on stability of fermented dairy drinks (Ms. Aminifar), 2006
  • The effect of fat replacer on physiochemical and sensory properties of canned foods (Ms. Karimian), 2006


Process Biochemistry (1-2 papers per year), Biotechnology and Bioengineering (one paper per year), Iranian Journals (3-7 papers per year)




International Water Association

IWA- Water reuse special group


American Society for Microbiology (ASM)


Society for General Microbiology (SGM)


CONTACT Association of Montpellier university


Iranian Association of Biotechnology


Biotechnological expert committee of Agriculture Ministry of Iran


Iranian Association of Chemical Engineering



Congress Chairman of the First International Conference on "Advances in Wastewater Treatment and Reuse" Programmed Jointly by University of Tehran and European Union


Member of executive committee of Engineering Education (UT jointly with Science Foundation)


Workshop on membrane bioreactor technology for wastewater treatment, Tehran, Petrochemical Research and Technology Company, Joint programmed with University of Tehran and Montpellier University (France)


Member of executive committee of International Conference in Engineering and Food in France


Software: LabVIEW, SuperPro Designer, MS Office (Power point, Excel, Word), EndNote, Photoshop

Analytical techniques: Electrophoresis, HPLC, GC, Electron Microscopy, PCR