

Applications of Advanced Oxidation Process (AOPs) for improving biodegradability of Atrak pulp & paper wastewater


Optimization of the crude oil distillation unit of Tehran Refinery and environmental analysis of the process with life cycle assessment.


Fabrication and investigation of the photocatalytic property of ceramic membranes and optimization of parameters affecting it in order to remove mixed colors.


Applying a modified electrofenton oxidation process for industrial wastewater treatment


Applying the Forward osmosis process using the side streams of the pulp and paper production process to achieve a stable draw solution with the aim of reducing water consumption.


Designing two-dimensional membranes using computational methods


Application of covalent organic frameworks in membrane systems to treat wastewater containing drugs


Modifing the structure of ion exchange resins in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of these polymers


Investigation of advanced oxidation methods in order to remove amine effluents


Feasibility studies of implementing a closed water system in a pulp and paper company


Studying and investigating the use of sustainable waste incinerators for waste management in Atrak Pulp and Paper Company


Application of functionalized nano-micro zeolites as a chromatography solid matrix for purification of scFv antibody fragments

(Mesgari-Shadi), 2018


Investigating the effect of culture medium of Synechoccus elongates on CO2 removal to biodiesel production (Mashayekhi), 2018


Nitrate removal from water using hybrid photosynthetic granule (Rezvani), 2018


Water and wastewater minimization in a process industrial unit with introduction of water-closed-loop system (Bavar), 2017


Experimental investigation of forward osmosis process in order to reduce water salinity (Ahadiyan), 2017


Swimming pool grey water quality assessment and study of in situ grey water reuse (Izadpanah), 2017


An investigation on the phosphorus removal by Synechococcus from (Pishbin), 2017


Investigation of hydrodynamic effects on biosynthetic models in activated sludge process bioreactor through computational fluid

dynamic modeling (Norouzi), 2018


Reconstruction a metabolic model for evaluation of growth in Bacillus thuringiensis (Tajbaksh), 2017


Investigating and Proposing a Proper Treatment System for Washing Machine Wastewater (Shirouei), 2017


Measurement of the concentration of active sludge using image processing (Asgharnejad), 2016


Synthesis and evaluate the ceramic membrane for treatment and filtration of gray waters (Almassi), 2016


Simulation of different purification and separation processes in biodiesel production from microalgae and comparison of the processes based on energy consumption (Alavian), 2016


Effect of Autotrophic microorganisms on fouling phenomenon in membrane bioreactor (Sepehri), 2016


Study of carotenoids extraction from microalgae species by superelectrical CO2 technology (Pour Hoseiny), 2014


MTBE pollution in Groundwater (Montazeri), 2012


Oil Spill in Sea Water (Tavajoh), 2012


Deep Bioremediation for Oil Contaminated Soils and Groundwater (Zargar) 2011


Nanofilteration for Cephalexin Separation from Wastewater (Shahtalebi) 2010


Treatment of Petrochemical Wastewater (Askarian) 2010


Biosurfactant production by B. subtilis (Abi) 2010


Phenol removal from industrial wastewaters by MBR (Norouzimanesh), 2009


Aromatic pollution removal from wastewater by MBR (Mehdizadeh), 2009


Characterization of a hybrid membrane bioreactor (HMBR) for synthetic wastewater treatment (Yekrang), 2009


Study of different types of membrane and comparison of their performance in aquatic media in order to treat oily wastewater (Mafirad), 2009


Study of aeration effects on the performance of membrane bioreactors (Kazemzadeh) 2009


Study of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) performance in nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater (Soleymani) 2009


An Investigation on the type of petrochemical wastewater pollutants on cell activity in membrane bioreactor (Darvishi) 2009


An investigation on the amoxicillin recovery from pharmaceutical wastewater by membrane system (Hashemi), 2009


Engineered screening of oil-eating microorganisms for bioremediation of PAH by small scale biotechnology technique (Kafi), 2008


statistical analysis and modeling of sporulation phase during fermentation of Bacillus thuringiensis to study the effect of oxygen on  its bioinsecticide activity (Najaflou) 2008


Screening of culture and operating conditions of biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis for Microbial Enhamced Oil Recovery (Keshtkar), 2008


Pharmaceutical wastewater treatment using  MBR (Ms Salmassi), 2007


Study of the new biological nitrogen removal methods in wastewater treatment (Ms. Rassouli), 2007


The effect of toxic wastewater pollutants in the viability of activated sludge (Ms. Taromi), 2007


Investigation of factors affecting specific gas-liquid interfacial area in aerated reactors (Mr. Yazdani), 2007


Effect of hydrocolloids and ionic strength on stability of fermented dairy drinks (Ms. Aminifar), 2006


The effect of fat replacer on physiochemical and sensory properties of canned foods (Ms. Karimian), 2006