UNESCO & Chairs Organization

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been established on 4th of November 1946 and on 16th of November 1946, its statute had been signed by 46 countries including Iran. In the first clause of the statute, the objective of establishment of this organization is mentioned: helping establishment of peace and security through promotion of cooperation between nations in fields of education, science and culture to enhance public respect to justice, rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms for everybody neglecting race, sex and religion differences according to United Nations Charter.

To reach to its objectives in 21st century, UNESCO tries to understand challenges and results of globalization with all of its complexities and to determine the strategies and policies regarding transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and intercultural positions that everybody especially deprived sections of the society can benefit from.

UNESCO provides a framework to study global problems of people based on the equality of nations which are founded upon universal principles, variety and human dignity. This organization is to establish an integrated context to reach to peace, sustainable development and human rights objectives and cooperate in poverty alleviation and promotion of dialog between civilizations, cultures and human.

UniTwin program started in 1992 and after the approval of a statement in 26th general conference of UNESCO. The aim of this program is to stand against brain drain in southern countries through developing inter universities cooperation and sharing knowledge between northern-southern and southern-southern countries.

This program is a means to make scientific potential in developing countries in the framework of sustainable development. UniTwin Program includes education, research and data sharing between universities and makes a context for sharing knowledge in UNESCO fields of activities which are education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information. The main members of this program are universities, research centers, scientific associations, foundations and governmental and non-governmental organizations and other organizations active in higher education section.

The type of activities in UniTwin universities are wide and various which we can name research activities, holding seminar and conferences in national, regional and international levels, student and professor exchange and holding workshops.

UNESCO Chairs are parts of UniTwin program and are national, regional or international organizations which works on a specific scientific topic. A UNESCO chair can be established in a university or research organization as a new educational or research unit for a three-year-old period. This unit must have a director and scientific manager who is well-known in the related field, some researchers and expert faculty members and students who works on research topics based on the chair's field of activities.