Necessity of establishment


Necessity of establishment of this UNESCO chair:


  • More than 75% of Iran is in dry and semi-dry region and occurrence of consecutive droughts in recent years;
  • Intense decrease in renewable national resources and water supply crisis in many parts of the country;
  • Underground water resources decline to the least possible level as a result of irregular use;
  • Demand for water and the possibility of national and international conflicts over water as a result of population growth, expansion of cities and industrial and agricultural development;
  • Irregular and uncontrolled discharge of effluents to surface and underground waters and subsequent hygienic and environmental hazards;
  • The need to develop, localize and expand water and wastewater reuse technologies that are applicable in Iran;
  • The necessity to converge and integrate researches and national potentials available in Iran to reuse effluents and solve relevant crisis.