
با توجه به اهمیتی که علم اکوهیدرولوژی در دنیای امروز برای احیای منابع آب و حفاظت از آنها همزمان با تامین آب در توسعه پایدار کشورها یافته، چند سالی است که یونسکو اقدام به دریافت پیشنهاد از کشورها برای ثبت سایت های اکوهیدرولوژی می‌نماید. مبنای اصلی در پذیرش پیشنهادات احیای محیط زیستی مبتنی بر راهکارهای طبیعت محور و بیوتکنولوژیک می‌باشد. تا کنون از ایران هیچ سایت اکوهیدرولوژیکی ثبت نشده است. لذا از کسانیکه دارای تجارب مستند در حوزه پاکسازی و احیای مناطق آبی می‌باشند دعوت می‌گردد تا با مطالعه متن زیر که از یونسکو ارسال شده است برای ثبت موفقیت خود اقدام نمایند. کرسی یونسکو در بازیافت آب دانشگاه تهران آماده همکاری در این زمینه می‌باشد.

Call for New Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites! This holistic approach is based on a deep understanding of water-biota interplay "Dual Regulation". The ecohydrological approach is based on three principles: hydrological, ecological and ecotechnological. Ecohydrology is an integrative transdisciplinary science that, by mean of Nature based Solutions, operates in the enhancement of the catchment sustainability potential. In addition, the implementation of this parameters for water sustainability has to be broadly hold by: + Culture & Education + Law, Policy & Governance Consequently, the conscious and wise involvement of society through exchange, dissemination, training and awareness, will be stimulated by a new paradigm for water management. WBSR+CE+LPG The concept of WBSR, means that every water management actions/investments in catchments has to improve four parameters: Water | Biodiversity Ecosystem | Services Resilience to climate and impacts HYDROLOGICAL PRINCIPLE Quantification of hydrological processes and determination of impacts. ECOTECHNOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE Design of integrated and sustainable solutions (NBS) for aquatic ecosystems. ECOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE Ecosystem processes and functions can be enhanced to increase carrying capacity or resilience. 1. Synthesize knowledge gaps for addressing ecohydrological issues related to critical water ecosystems under pressure; 2. Showcase how better knowledge of the interrelationships between the hydrological cycle, livelihoods and ecosystems can contribute to more cost-effective and environmental-friendly water management; 3. Demonstrate systems solutions and technology transfer opportunities through North-South and South-South linkages in order to harmonize the ecosystem pote.
Further information about UNESCO Ecohydrology Demonstration Sites and the submission for new demo sites are also available in this brochure (as attached) and in the Ecohydrology Web Platform accessible at: http://ecohydrology-ihp.org/demosites/candidate/info/ or on the web article about the call: https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/call-new-ecohydrology-demonstration-sites-year-2024.